Thursday, December 7, 2017

Table of Contents

Motorcycle MVP - Carolina finds true love and seems to be a never ending battle between her and her father. She knows that her father will never accept her boyfriend she invites to her house, but she doesn't give up for what she believes. 

Moon Landing - The 1960's is filled with a numerous amount of historic events that play a major part in our everyday lives. What catches my attention is the monumental event, the Moon Landing. This event continues to inspire people throughout the nation and advances many different fields of education and technology. In this post, you will explore the event of the Moon Landing that took place in 1969.

Neil Armstrong's Famous Words - Towards the end of the journey of the Moon Landing, Neil Armstrong's word continues to motivate citizens throughout the world. With the accomplishment of this mission, his words play as an important role for inspiring people who seek to make change for our country. 

HOPE - It is crucial to always believe in yourself even when life gets tough. No matter what the outcome may be, you should always hope for the best. Without having hope as apart of an individual's life, it may be difficult to conquer the challenges you don't believe you could achieve. If you are lacking hope, I strongly advise you to read this post. 

RALPHS ROCKS - If you think you will never get a job in your life without trying, then you're wrong. Anything is possible, all you need to do is believe. Never give up without a fight. In this post, you will read how I managed to get my first job. 

Which one is the lie? - Some people are excellent liars and some may not be. One must be very skilled to detect whether or not one is lying or telling the truth. In this post,  I challenge you to decide which two are the truth and which one is the lie. 

MVP Summary

        In Chapter 9 of the novel, “Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility,” by Patricia Santana, Carolina deals with a life changing experience that could either turn out really well or really bad. Carolina was willing to take a step further with her boyfriend Tom. She was ready to finally invite him over to her house. Carolina was eager to have Tom be introduced to the Sahugan family so she decided to have him come on a surprise visit. Although she was aware that her mom advised her not to invite Tom over, she did it anyway. Carolina knew that if Tom came over to her house, her dad would not react to her expectations. While knowing the potential outcome, Carolina was determined that it was time for her family to meet her boyfriend Tom. When the family heard the knock on the door from Tom, Carolina was ready to face her fears and act like an adult for this matter. As soon as her dad saw him walk in his words were “Get out.”(162) Carolina was not surprised that her dad reacted this way but she did not give up with what she believed. A conversation went back and forth between Carolina, Tom, and her dad. This incident quickly turned into a family dilemma that felt like it would never end. Carolina continued to give valid reasons to her father by saying comments like, “Papa, I want to do this the proper way. I want you to meet my friends, to approve.” Carolina was continued to be put down by her father. Later when Tom came in mid-prayer for Chuy, Tom asked if her dad if he could join in and he did. Tom was later than accepted by the family and Carolina finally was satisfied for the acceptance of her boyfriend.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

1960's Research Paper

                Dream of the Nation: “Let’s Race to the Moon!                                    
         The Space Race was a competition between the U.S. and Russia to the moon. It was a competition to achieve the field of space exploration. It wasn’t about who did it best, it was about who did it first. The space race was not only one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind. It wasn’t the end of a journey, but it was a beginning of a new frontier. This occasion, was seemed like a never ending race to the moon that Russia was determined to do first. However, the U.S. took initiative in this one in a life time experience and beat Russia to the moon. The Space Race was like a track runner trying his best to make it to the finish line. Winning the race to space was like winning the lottery. The Space Race made it clear that anything can be done even if it meant risking it all. 
       Neil Armstrong was an inspirational man that turned out to be very successful throughout his career. Whether as a pilot, astronaut, or even an average human being, he was determined to make a brighter future. His accomplishment of the moon landing led him to his famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Armstrong was confident in the things he did and surely did live up to his full potential. His greatest mission that he has completed, the moon landing, has motivated people throughout the nation today. Armstrong’s achievements have led up to a new field of advances that continue to progress all due to his inspiring words that he addressed to the world. 
       When Apollo 11 returned back to Earth, a large amount of people were positively impacted and looked up to this event as a great accomplishment. In Apollo Anniversary: Moon Landing “Inspired World” describes the vivid details of how the moon landing triggered a great way to improve society. Roach it highlights the fact that this step in mankind may be considered the crowning achievement of the 20th century. Due to this effect, citizens were inspired providing them hope for the future. The moon landing also opened new doors to improve technology. At the time, the use of Apollo Guidance computer was the largest consumer of integrated circuits. During the 1960’s, this played a major part in technology and was very advanced for its time. Throughout the years, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has come up with several ways to improve its resources all from the success of the moon landing. The continuation of visiting and studying the moon has greatly modified how our technology works today. Because the last visit to the moon was in 1972, the writer explores if there will be another visit any time soon. We are surely capable of repeating the previous success and with our technology we have today, we would not have without the first visit to the moon. Overall, visiting the moon for the first time continues to advance society and inspire people throughout the world. 
       The article, “July 20, 1969: Armstrong Walks on Moon” describes the efforts the United States went through to complete this life changing event. The author points out how Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts that came along this mission, were very successful throughout the journey to the moon.  Many practices and tests were done by NASA to make sure this mission turned out successful. Towards the end of the American effort, almost everything went as planned on this mission and this great event stays as a great accomplishment for the 20th century. I believe that that this task to depart from Earth to the moon was not quite easy. While being the first individuals to step foot on the Moon was a great achievement, I am sure the challenges faced were not easy to accomplish. However, the time and effort that our country has put into this monumental event should not go unnoticed. The author shines light on the fact that President John F. Kennedy was determined to win the race to the moon between the Soviet Union. On May 25, 1961 Kennedy states, “I believe the nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.” JFK was eager to make a change in history and eventually, he made it happen. I believe as a citizen of the United States, this an inspirational movement that continues to impact others throughout the nation. Without a doubt, the United States did want to lose to the Soviet Union, which is ironic because even today, we do not like to lose to other countries. I believe that there can be many more people like JFK or Neil Armstrong that can make a difference in our lives, and as Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Anyone can make a difference; all you need to do is believe! 
     In any discussion of the Space Race, the U.S. is still number one: first to the moon in 1969, and first to mars in 2004. Even though sending men to the moon was a risky decision, the accomplishment resulted in an open door to new opportunities. After all, many believe that this mission would be nearly impossible, the U.S. found a way to prove them wrong. Citizens also had faith in their leaders that we would not stand a chance to lose against our opponents; therefore, as the American duty, we took initiative of this event. Landing on the moon has provided self-confidence to every individual at the time and still encourages individuals today. In 1969, there was a space exploration dilemma. The U.S. has eager to seek new fields of technology and setting men to the moon was a great answer. After numerous of attempts between the battle of the U.S. and Russia to the moon, the Apollo 11 team received the win for this absurdity race that Russia thought they would win.. The U.S. did what they said they were going to do and successfully beat every other nation to have the first men to step foot on the moon. We not only have had men on the moon, but prior to this event we also had sent probes that collected data from the moon. Even when we won, we still won. The United States is capable of accomplishing new missions due to the increasing advances that have took place since the 1960’s. In 2004, the U.S. was up for the challenge and decided to take a step forward in space exploration. After setting men on the moon, we came to the conclusion that Mars would be our next biggest mission. In all efforts, we have succeeded to place a rover on Mars that continuously implements new discoveries throughout its planet. The U.S. also takes the number one spot of exploring mars all thanks to first moon landing done in 1969. There is no other country that has achieved landing anything on Mars making them the losers. It is ironic because back then we were number one, and today we still are number one. It is emblematic of our roles as a world leader. As Americans, the moon landing provides a clear image that we continuously dominate other countries to be the first at almost everything.
      The moon landing is clearly something that not all countries can say they’ve done. If other countries aren’t willing to discover new life, informational guidance throughout space, what are they trying to accomplish? The United States is a role model to almost every individual throughout the world due to the fact that we get stuff done. Monumental events like these have a huge impact on citizens that inspire them to be our leaders of tomorrow. Landing on the moon is something that is brought up on a daily basis and continues to be the “talk of the town.” In fact, this mission only took about 8 days to arrive to the moon. Now just imagine how long it would take us to reach the moon with our improved field of technology. Going to the moon was just the beginning, and we aren’t going to settle for less. Truthfully, the reason why I wrote about this topic is because I believe that accomplishing something whether it’s big or small, can make a great difference for futures to come. I realized that the choices you make throughout your life will benefit yourself in both positive ways. If you fail, you get back up and if you don’t fail at all, than that’s even better. Writing about the Moon Landing has made myself look at research papers in a new, improved way. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I chose this topic; however, I do not regret writing about it at all. This topic caught my eye from beginning to end. I was a little intimidated because I typically don’t prefer doing research papers, but this paper was different. Throughout the whole writing process I was interested in finding new ways of how our country won the race to space and how we did it. What I very-well appreciated was that this paper was done step by step making sure we knew how to correctly write a research paper. I am truly confident with my improved writing capabilities and I am sure I will do great in the future. Overall, researching the Moon Landing is a topic that I will always remember and will definitely be remembered for centuries to come.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Neil Armstrong's Famous Words

Neil Armstrong was an inspirational man that turned out to be very successful throughout his career . Whether as a pilot, astronaut, or even an average human being, he was determined to make a brighter future. His accomplishment of the moon landing led him to his famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Armstrong was confident in the things he did and surely did live up to his full potential. His greatest mission that he has completed, the moon landing, has motivated people throughout the nation today. Armstrong’s achievements have led up to a new field of advances that continue to progress all due to his inspiring words that he addressed to the world. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Hope comes from deep down inside knowing you can get through anything. Hope is believing you’ll make it to tomorrow even when the world is against you. In order to have hope, you must believe anything is possible no matter what the case. So many people are capable to accomplish anything they dream of, but sometimes don’t, because they lack the sense of hope. For example, in the film “127 hours” it gives a vivid image of how hope is illustrated throughout the film. Aron Ralston(James Franco) explores the deep canyons in the state of Utah. Aron later than finds himself trapped with no way out. However, that’s what others might’ve thought, because there was a way out. Ralston looks at his options and comes to the conclusion that he must amputate his arm to survive. He did not want to end his life right there due to a simple mistake;therefore, he had hope that he would live another day. In my opinion, I believe that in order to have hope, there will be sacrifices along the way. Whether they are big or small, hope is a trait that many may say is difficult to obtain. I truly believe that having hope is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ralphs Rocks

                                                 Entering Adulthood

At the beginning of my senior year in high school, I was eager to obtain a part time job. I was not involved in any sports, clubs, or any other activities, so I felt like I wasn't really being productive with my life. I knew work was out there but I did not want to go out and look for it. My parents urged to get a job because I had a great amount of extra time on my hands and nothing to do with it. I knew the time would come and eventually, it did. Particularly, getting a part time job motivated to never give up on life, even if it meant facing challenges along the way. For this reason, I am glad that I got a first job because it has created a new perspective on the way I look at life. My job at Ralphs has taught me many lessons that would not only help myself now, but will help myself in the future as well.
Having a part time job as a student made me realize the difficulties it comes with. Throughout many applications and interviews, I was very discouraged due to the fact that nobody wanted to hire me. I felt as low as a basement. After months and months for the search of a first job, I finally got what I was looking for. However, I later than realized that being responsible is a major key factor not only as a part time employee, but as a full time student as well. For example, people who currently have jobs as a student know how crucial conversing time and money is when fulfilling the necessities student encounter. For a long time, I would always spend my money on things I didn't really need but when I really need the money, I didn't have it. Also, I would constantly rely on my parents to provide money when I needed it and they eventually got tired of it. This is where I took initiative and become responsible with the money that I earned from working. To add on, time is so crucial when having a busy work and school schedule. Instead of going out and partying, on some occasions, I have to sacrifice my nights to hours and hours of unfinished homework. While currently still having a job, I still learn new things every day;however, having a job is not at all what I expected. I am grateful for my job even though it may not be the best.
Working as a courtesy clerk at Ralphs has been a daily struggle ever since I got the job. Many may say that being a courtesy clerk isn't all that bad, little do they know that it's tougher than it looks. Before I was hired at Ralphs, I didn't appreciate the efforts that the employees had to go through enough. The duties as a courtesy clerk involve: bagging the customer’s groceries, collecting carts and placing them in the “cart corral”, and any other customer needs throughout the store. When we are required to push carts we are assigned by a specific hour, and that one hour is a dreadful experience that deadens me by the second. While wearing an all black uniform from head to toe, I could feel the scorching sun pound on my skin as I count every second until my hour is over. When I'm not outside pushing carts, I’m inside dealing with customers that can be extremely picky when grocery shopping. For instance, a customer will complain that the store is too “noisy” or too “big.” I cannot believe how high maintenance some people are and some things are just beyond my control. Despite the challenges I face on a daily basis, I am confident that my position isn't all that bad.
Instead of focusing on the negatives about having a job, I’d like to mention how it has its perks. While having no experience prior to this job, I was lucky enough to get hired, later providing me with experience. A numerous amount of companies focus on the type of experience one may obtain, and presume how he/she will use it in the future. It is difficult when people try to get a first job because in order to get that job, experience is required. After all, how could you have experience if you’ve never had a job? That is the question I would always ask myself. Almost a year has passed since I’ve worked at Ralphs and I have noticed a big improvement with my customer service skills. This job has taught me to be very patient with certain people because “The customer is always right.” Throughout the months, I have succeeded to meet new people and have been recognized for my excellent customer service skills. I am encouraged every day to “keep up the good work” regardless of what kind of day I’m having out of work. On the other hand, I am aware of how to handle specific situations in a professional manner. I am confident that this job has better prepared me for the future and will continue to do so day by day. I would've never thought I would gain experience because it felt like forever without it, but I'm proud to say that I do. This job has put me through a lot and for that, I am grateful.

Having a job changed how I viewed society, and created me into an adult. Truly, I was not ready for this change;however, I quickly got accustomed to this new way of living. Sadly, I do miss the fun times I was able to experience more with my family and friends care free of having to manage my time or money in between. “That's life!” My parents often say to me now. As a result, I have finally accepted that I am now an adult and all the fun things can come after you get your stuff done. Upon close reflection, I have realized that having jobs can be faced with great obstacles, whether it is part time or full time. I plan to use my current knowledge for future opportunities and my goal is to strive for the best. Whatever my profession may be in the future, I am sure that one day I can use my experience as a tool from my first job and be proud of who I become. Like they say, “Never forget where you came from.” I will truly never forget how being a courtesy clerk changed my life and will always remember the unforgettable experiences that has come, and will come later in life. 

Which one is the lie?

Two Truths and One Lie
1. Growing up I always had a dream of playing football, since it was a family tradition. My family was very known for playing well on the field throughout their childhood. Therefore, I had to continue the family's legacy by playing football. I first started when I was 8 years old. I loved playing my heart out at practice and mainly the games. I continued to play for about 7 years until I reached my freshmen year in high school. I loved playing football and it made a big impact on my life.
2. A couple of years ago I always had the fear of eating sushi. I could not stand the horrific smell which made it seem as if the fish came right out of the ocean. One day, I took the risk that changed my life forever. My mom and I  were very hungry so we decided to eat at Joe's Sushi Bar which I have never ate there before. I ordered the "Alexia Roll" which was a very known roll. As I took the first bite, I fell in love right away. "BOMB!" I yelled out loud to the employee behind the bar. I will never talk bad about sushi again and I encourage everyone to try this deliciousness! 
3. Some might say they hate the way my hair looks now but I am proud of my hairstyle and I would never go back to the way it was. Ever since I was a little kid my mom would always have my hair so long to the point where people would mistake me for a girl. She said it looked "cute" on me. I HATED my long hair, it would always get in the way. For example, having to wear a football helmet while having long hair was just torture. One day, my mom finally decided to let me chop it all off. I will never have long hair again!